On Saturday of the tournament, the all team members must check in at the tournament desk 30 minutes prior to their first game to check in and receive your t-shirt.
Captains must complete the roster online via the Admin section of as it will be used by the referees at each game. If you don’t have it completed and turned in to us, you don’t play. You are entitled to 15 players on your roster each day.
Tournament officials/referees reserve the right to request official identification for the purposes of confirming the age/identity of any player at any time during the tournament, therefore, each player should be sure to bring a driver’s license, passport, or other government issued (we don’t care which government) identification card to the tournament.
Tournament officials/referees reserve the right to request official identification for the purposes of confirming the age/identity of any player at any time during the tournament, therefore, each player should be sure to bring a driver’s license, passport, or other government issued (we don’t care which government) identification card to the tournament.
• Teams must have a minimum of five (5) players at game time in order to play. • You must have at least three (3) women on the field at all times. The goalie can be either male or female. If you choose to have more than three (3) female players on the field you can do so. • NO offsides. • NO slide tackling is allowed. • During the final only, should it end up in a tie and a "shootout" is required, the players must alternate between sexes when doing these penalty kicks. • Substitutes shall ONLY be made with the permission of the referee and must be made at the center of the field. Either team can substitute at all throw-ins or goal kicks, but not on corner kicks. • All players must wear shinguards and socks that cover their shinguards. Accessories such as knee braces must be worn in such a way that they do not pose a threat of injury to other players. • No jewelry. Articles of a religious nature must be taped or otherwise concealed to protect you and other players. • All players, with the exception of the goalkeeper, must wear a jersey of the same color. The goalkeeper must wear a contrasting color to both teams. All jerseys must have a number that is permanently affixed, taped-on numbers will not be accepted. Jerseys do not have to be of the same style as long as they are the same color. No two players of one team may wear the same number. • In the event jersey colors clash, the home team, as identified in the bracket detail, must change jerseys. If you don’t have alternate jerseys you need to come to the tournament desk to pick-up pennies. • The game will be played in accordance to the Rules of Soccer. |
Any player that receives a yellow card will need to be substituted from the field of play for 5 minutes. Any player that receives a red card must leave the field immediately, and the team will be assessed a one (1) point penalty. A red card received for violent conduct will result in the player being removed for the remainder of the tournament. Teams are responsible for the behavior of their coaches, fans and spectators. If games are suspended due to the behavior of coaches, players or spectators, games will be forfeit by the offending team.. All situations not specifically dealt with in these rules will be resolved by the tournament staff. The purpose of the tournament is to provide a clean and safe competition and to provide people an enjoyable experience. People, spectators, and teams who seek to provide an experience other than a safe and clean competition will be asked to leave. To the extent an injustice is done, the tournament staff will seek a fair resolution to avoid such injustice. |
Tie games in qualifying round games shall stand with no extra time played.
Games will play two (2) twenty-five (25) minutes halves. Half-time shall be five (5) minutes. For the final: The first place teams as determined by total points after the round robin games will play in the championship game. Tie games will play two (2) five (5) minute extra time periods. The first team to score in extra time wins. If still tied at the conclusion of both of the five (5) minute extra time periods, the winner shall be determined based on FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark method. |
Standings for qualifying round play shall be based on teams being awarded the following points:
• 3 point for a win • 1 point a draw • 0 points for a loss or a forfeit (scored as a 0-3 loss) • 1 point loss for a red card At the end of qualifying round play, a winner and runner-up shall be determined in each bracket. A. Greatest points total; if tied, then B. Greatest goal difference (goals scored less goals allowed); if tied, the C. Head to head result; if tied, then D. Least goals allowed; if tied, then E. Most goals scored Should the playoff games not be played due to very heavy rainfall that does not permit continuance of competition, these games may be declared canceled by the Tournament Director after consultation with representative team captains. Should cancellation occur, the "highest" remaining "seeded" team in the respective division will automatically be declared the "Champion" and the "2nd highest seed" remaining declared the "Runner Up". |